Categories: awards, touring

Comic Historian, Jamie Coville's Combined Best Comics & Graphic Novels of 2024 is out! Chrysanthemum Under the Waves got a special mention! Jamie writes:

Regarding Publishers:
Image Comics had 109 different books picked this year, followed by DC Comics (91), VIZ Meda (72), Marvel Comics (71) trying for 5th was Fantagraphics (61) and Self Published (61). Out of the Self-Published books Chrysanthemum Under The Waves by Maggie Umber was the most popular with 9 reviewers picking it.

I'll have Chrysanthemum Under the Waves, 8 new prints and my usual mix of zines, graphic novels, prints, cards and toys at oddball market today. Come find me at the empty bottle in Chicago, IL from 1-7pm (Sunday, 2/16/2025).

🖤 Maggie

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