Categories: touring

This weekend, I'll be tabling CXC (Cartoon Crossroads Columbus) as a special guest. This will be my first show ever with Chrysanthemum Under the Waves! Stop by and buy a copy of my first self-published graphic novel! I'll also be doing a spotlight panel with Jared Gardner.
The Sounds of Silence: Spotlight on Maggie Umber
September 29, 2024 1:00 pm 2:00 pm Columbus Metropolitan Library
Maggie Umber’s work has always pushed the boundaries of the comics form—often wordless, deploying
unconventional media, and challenging narrative expectations. Her magisterial Sound of Snow Falling
tells the seasons of two owls without words, but evoking a world of sound that we might finally
hear if we learned to listen. Her newest book, Chrysanthemum Under the Waves, is a meditation on
loss, mourning, and the new lives we exhume in the process. Join OSU comics scholar Jared Gardner
in conversation with Maggie as they discuss her career, her craft, and her most recent book, six
years in the making and premiering at CXC.
CXC 2024 Featured Guest
Maggie Umber
Artist, Guest Of Ohio State University Pop Culture Studies
Maggie Umber, originally from the twin cities, paints, prints, and programs graphic novels and zines. She’s published three graphic novels — Sound of Snow Falling, Time Capsule, and 270° — and her work has been widely anthologized.
Her latest book Chrysanthemum Under The Waves will debut at CXC.
Guest Courtesy of Popular Culture Studies at Ohio State University
Click here for the rest of the list!
Cartoon Crossroads Columbus - CXC is a FREE comics art & animation festival in Columbus, Ohio! Mark your calendars for our 10th CXC festival, September 26 - 29, 2024.
🖤 Maggie