Hello, my name is Maggie. I've been publishing books and zines in the small press comics community since 2007. I co-founded 2dcloud, now I focus on my own books.

I'm excited to share my first self-published graphic novel with you! Chrysanthemum Under the Waves was 6+ years in the making and is a collection of 9 comics. It began as a single comic - a silent interpretation of the short story, The Tooth, by Shirley Jackson.

In Jackson's writing, I met James Harris. His is an ominous but nearly invisible presence in her stories, a tall man in a blue suit, a face hidden under a hat or by cigar smoke... He is a demon figure, a portent of doom. As he seeped into my comics, my marriage, my career and my health failed. At first, I thought that James Harris came to destroy me. Over time, I recognized he was there to help me say goodbye to all I loved most.

You can preorder now. Advanced copies will be available at CXC (Cartoon Crossroads Columbus) 9/26-9/29/2024 and on the fall leg of my Less is More Zine Tour.


Magical feats of comics communication within these stories, beautiful tricks of mark making expressing what cannot be said.
I really love this book, very much.
— Lale Westvind, author of Grip published by Perfectly Acceptable Press

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2024: The Less is More Zine Tour

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